Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Effective Social Promotion Resources

A few great social marketing options to get enhanced visibility for your products and services now!

Twitter and Facebook both have fantastic reach to millions of potential clients. Advertising on these two social networks is a great way to get your message out about new products, special offers, or perhaps a more subtle approach, featured projects. If you're ready to tap into social market and promote your business on these well-established networks, then building your fans and followers will help you create a successful outcome. Other very valuable social marketing systems to use are LinkedIn and YouTube. Tie them all together with a blog on and you're sure to increase your site's exposure, build credibility, build brand awareness and ultimately new customers for your company.

If you're working on a shoe string budget and doing all this on your own, the expense is very minimal. Paying someone to do the work or outsourcing can get expensive. On the other hand, whatever method you choose, if you're diligent, the success can be staggering.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Raising The Roof On Marketing

Visual marketing is powerful and YouTube provides and excellent method to reach potential clients either directly or indirectly. You can demonstrate business capabilities by posting a corporate video or post it anonymously. Getting the video to go viral can take a bit of work, but can also provide a tremendous amount of visibility for your company.

Below is a good example. Watch as the roof of a building is removed, using a Spider Crane, to allow for additional construction. This video is not your everyday event, it's short and you can find out more about the company in the credits. It's a simple video, nothing elaborate, yet it has the potential to reach thousands.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011